Social Activities
  • SDGs3
  • SDGs4
  • SDGs5
  • SDGs8
  • SDGs10
Social Activities

Initiatives to Strengthen Health and Safety Systems

One Initiative the Kanamoto is strengthening is safety training. We have put in place systems that work to prevent accidents around the Safety and Health Office led by the president. This office regularly conducts in-house seminars and audits and works to raise health and safety awareness at all branches. Our efforts to strengthen health and safety systems and eradicate occupational accidents have proven successful. As many as 31 branches in Kanamoto are accident-free over the last 20 years.

Kanamoto's Health and Productivity Management Declaration

As an execution item of our Basic Sustainability Policy, we have established our aim, that is “to help improve labor conditions throughout society by respecting human rights and consideration toward employee health and work environment.” The reason is that we think that keeping our employees healthy will allow them to perform high-quality work, which will lead to the growth of the company and create social contributions through business.
What is extremely important for our employees and their families are daily awareness and behaviors that prioritize their mental and physical well-being. To that end, we will support various independent and ambitious efforts for maintaining and improving health.
The foundation of sustainable management is “a company where employees can continue to work in a cheerful and healthy way,” and through those efforts we will contribute to the creation of a sustainable society.

Primary Goals

  • Strengthen efforts for reducing work hours and promoting use of paid leave.
  • Through further strengthening of safety education, aim to improve awareness of health and safety and eliminate occupational hazards.
  • Maintain a regular health check-up rate of 100%, work to improve the rate of specific health check-ups, and strive to prevent aggravation of illnesses.
October 12, 2023
Kanamoto Co., Ltd.
Tetsuo Kanamoto, President and Chief Executive Officer

Emphasis on Human Resource Development for the Future of Kanamoto

Kanamoto knows excellent human resources with a high level of expertise and skills are the driving force of sustainable growth. Therefore, we have established the Human Resource Development Policies below.
· Develop human resources who embody the Kanamoto corporate philosophy and action guidelines
· Support employees who want to independently acquire skills and certifications
· Expand training programs and encourage exchange outside the company with the aim of nurturing diverse views and values
That is why we have built systems to extract and nurture the full potential of each and every employee through stratified human resource training and development programs for sales persons, engineers, and administrators. These specific internal training programs include training and follow-up training for new employees, sales leadership training, fifth-year technical training, administrative leadership training, and administrative step-up training by occupation, as well as new branch manager training, block plant manager training, and office manager training for management. In addition, Kanamoto has also adopted external e-Learning programs teaching a variety of things, such as compliance and management kills. Kanamoto has also enhanced support programs that encourage employees in technical fields to acquire necessary certifications. We also actively promote participation in internal education programs focusing on on-the-job training as well as external training programs held by various manufacturers.

Qualified Repair and Maintenance Technicians for Construction Equipment
Qualified Repair and Maintenance Technicians for Construction Equipment"
In-house Maintenance and Repair Training
In-house Maintenance and Repair Training

Qualified Repair Technicians and Licensed Operators of Construction Equipment (As of February 2024)

Qualification Number of individuals
Repair Qualified Technicians Construction Equipment Repair Technician (Expert) 26
Construction Equipment Repair Technician (First Class) 304
Construction Equipment Repair Technician (Second Class) 610
Portable Generator Repair Technician 595
Automobile Repair Technician 545
Gas Welding Technician 804
Organic Solvent Work Manager 401
Hazardous Materials Handling Manager 410
Vocational Training Instructor 14
Operation Qualified Technicians Vehicle-type Construction Equipment Operator 4,486
Mobile Crane Operator 2,115
Large-scale Equipment (Special) Operating License 551
Sling Crane Technician 960
Forklift Operator 827
Shovel Loader Operator 19
Note: Number of qualifications held is total man-qualifications.